We are excited to have you with us today. Please take some time to become familiar with this site. It is in its infancy and will grow rapidly with the correct guidance and direction. At loaner.net we welcome any suggestions you may have concerning the overall use of this site. 

It is our desire to create a place that will meet the needs of mortgage professionals, retail clients and lending institutions. We are giving direct referrals to our mortgage brokers. We are not doing retail business from this site. Any individual who enters this site will be directed to mortgage professionals who have proven their value in the market place.

In order for a broker to be listed on this site they must prove their knowledge of the programs offered by our approved lenders. They must also have demonstrated superior levels of integrity, honesty and reliability. We will be rating all listed brokers. The rating system is yet to be implemented in full. We ask for patience as we develop a fair and informative system you can feel comfortable and confident in. We do not want personal views to determine individual client needs.